Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Two Year Anniversary of the TARDIS Exploding

So from the standpoint of the show, it's been two years since the day the TARDIS exploded/Amy & Rory's wedding. We still don't know who blew up the TARDIS or why that date. One possible reason was they were trying to prevent River Song from being born and were unaware of the consequences of destroying the TARDIS. We're being led to believe that it was something to do with the Silence, but I personally believe that this was how the Time Lords planned to destroy reality at the end of the Time War. Series 7 ought to provide at least a partial explanation for these things, but it may be some time before the Doctor finally unravels it.

Monday, June 25, 2012

The Ponds' Demise

So Matt Smith leaked that something in The Eleventh Hour is going to be in the final days of the Ponds. I personally think it's about the Doctor's shadow moving past the clock. I never quite figured that out. It could be the multi-form, that would explain why Amy fell asleep waiting for the Doctor when she should have been too excited to sleep. I think though, that the Doctor came back for one final mission. Another thing that I've never seen an explanation for is how the multi-form knew about the Pandorica opening and silence falling.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

50th Anniversary Special

Okay, so there's a common them among the 10th, 20th, & 30th anniversary specials: they all have been multi–Doctor episodes that featured a Time Lord/Lady as the villain. First we had The Three Doctors with Omega, then we had The Five Doctors with Borusa, and then we had Dimensions in Time with the Rani. Moffatt had better darn well keep this tradition up, and have the Doctor team up with his other selves to go against some Time Lord for the 50th Anniversary Special. The Master seems like a bit too obvious a choice for this, I would actually prefer that the Doctor go up against the Valeyard.