Saturday, July 27, 2013

Destiny of the Doctors: Shockwave Review

This is probably my favorite Destiny of the Doctors story so far, though I'm not sure why. It's probably because I really like the seventh Doctor and it's been a while since I had a new one of his stories.

It's still no clearer why the 11th Doctor is having his past selves do chores for him. He obviously needs these people/items for some greater purpose, but we still don't know what, even after seven stories (though we do know the existence of the universe is at stake). Hopefully we'll get some more clues soon.

The name of the ship is the Obscurer. I'm not sure why anyone would name a starship that. It sounds sort of dark and nefarious, like whoever is onboard is up to no good. It doesn't sound like a passenger liner.

The Doctor and Ace could have done a little more to prevent themselves from being caught robbing the place. They really should have known better than to hang around talking when the alarm is noise-activated. They should have left and then talked about it after they were safely away. The problem, of course, is that then there wouldn't have been half the conflict in the plot, and it would have been much too easy to save the day. It's one of those cases in writing where the smart way out of the situation would have averted much of the story and there wouldn't have been a whole lot for the author to write.

I also don't get why the Doctor introduced himself to the captain and made a big deal of himself when he was planning on robbing the ship. Any smart thief would have snuck onboard quietly and not drawn attention to themselves. He could very easily have used the TARDIS to materialize in the cargo hold (though that would have set off the alarm). Again, it all boils down to writing and plot aversion.

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