Wednesday, October 9, 2013

50th Anniversary Broadcast Times

BBC America has had an apparent slip-up with their broadcasting schedule and has leaked an advance copy for this November. They've let slip the times for The Day of the Doctor and An Adventure in Space and Time as well as several documentary-type programs. BBC One does not usually reveal schedules until no more than ten days before broadcast, so it may be some time before we see this schedule confirmed or denied (remember, they are planning a simulcast).
  • The Day of the Doctor at 2:45pm Eastern Time on November 23rd
  • An Adventure in Time and Space at 9pm on November 22nd
  • Explaining Doctor Who proceeding An Adventure
  • Tales from the TARDIS at 9pm on November 18th
  • Day of the Doctor Pre-Show before a repeat of The Day of the Doctor at 7:15 on the 23rd

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