Wednesday, February 19, 2020

"The Timeless Children" Synopsis

The BBC has released a synopsis for the season finale of Doctor Who, which will air on March 1 (at the slightly earlier time of 6:50 for British viewers).
In the epic and emotional series finale, the Cybermen are on the march. As the last remaining humans are ruthlessly hunted down, Graham, Ryan and Yaz face a terrifying fight to survive. Civilisations fall. Others rise anew. Lies are exposed, truths are revealed, battles are fought, and for the Doctor — trapped and alone — nothing will ever be the same again.
The episode is written by Chris Chibnall, directed by Jamie Magnus Stone, and guest stars Julie Graham as Ravio and "Barack Stemis" (seemingly a good friend of Neil Toynay and Leon Ny Taiy) as Fakout.

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